Hey there.

S U P P O R T  T H E  M I S S I O N

Giving with our finances is part of how we worship Jesus.

Reach is supported entirely by the generous giving of people like you.

Thank you for partnering with us to be the church and reach the city!

Ways To Give

Give Online

Use the form, enter your gift amount, and choose whether you’d like to give once or setup a recurring gift.

Maximize online giving: Link your bank account instead of a credit/debit card to reduce transaction fees.

Give by Cash, Check, Direct Pay, or with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

These payment options reduce fees for every transaction by 3%, allowing your giving to support the mission of the church even further.

Cash and checks can be dropped in the "Give" box in the Lobby on Sundays or mailed directly to:
Reach Church
2730 Oakes Avenue
Everett, WA 98201

For Direct Pay or Donor Advised Funds, simply contact your financial institution or service provider to set up the service. Make sure to specify “Reach Everett” as the payee.

Reach Everett's tax ID is 88-1915929

Give Stock & Other Non-Cash Assets

If you would like to make a major donation or contribute stocks and/or securities, please contact us at giving@reacheverett.cc
Reach is a 508(c)(1)(a) nonprofit organization, and your donations are tax deductible.