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G O T  Q U E S T I O N S ?


What are Reach's beliefs?

We are a gospel-centered community that celebrates the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You can also read our belief statement to learn more about what we believe. We also affirm the historic Nicene Creed and feel closely aligned with the beliefs outlined in The Lausanne Covenant.

Is Reach part of a denomination?

Reach is an independent/non-denominational church. We initially planted as part of a family of churches, however we are now a legally independent church with our own local elders, pastors, and leaders. Much like our sending church, we hope to send out church plants of our own in due time.

How is money handled?

All financial gifts are overseen and stewarded by a volunteer finance team. Day-to-day decisions are made by church staff within a budgeted structure. Every receipt is accounted for and verified by a third party accounting firm.

What types of people belong to this church?

All kinds. Older people and younger people. Single and married people. People with kids, without kids, and empty nesters. Those with financial means and those who don't have much. Whoever is hungry for change and wants to follow Jesus. Our desire is to be a church of the nations for the nations; being a big and diverse family is part of God's design.

Do you have members?

We currently do not have a membership process, but we may explore moving that direction in the future. Meanwhile, the best way to get involved is by getting involved in a group, serving with your talent and time, and supporting the church financially (all things our leaders absolutely practice as well).

Who are your church's leaders?

At Reach, the Elders carry the responsibility of overseeing the mission, vision, life, and doctrine of the church. These men carry the responsibility and authority of leading the church side-by-side, while humbly following Jesus, the Chief Shepherd of the Church. A primary way the Elder Team fulfills its role is by empowering and caring for the men and women who serve as Reach’s Staff — those who lead the day-to-day ministries of the church. Reach’s Staff Team — including men and women who have been assigned as pastors, preachers, and/or ministry leaders — all serve under the authority and care of the Elder Team to lead ministries and equip the people of Reach to do the work of the ministry. Click here to learn more about how we view the roles of elders, pastors, and preachers.

What does Reach believe about women in leadership?

Reach holds what's sometimes referred to as a "soft-complementarian" view of men and women in ministry leadership. Women at our church are empowered to use their gifts, voice, wisdom, and courage. We're affirm the idea that qualified women can hold the title of "pastor" and would be permitted to teach from the stage (under the oversight of the elders, which is equally true of men who would preach). Here's the caveat: we believe the Bible is pretty clear about the leadership office of elder being intended for qualified men. We're comfortable with that tension, though we understand some may not be, and we by no means hold an elitist spirit towards those who flesh this dynamic out differently. You can read more on our position here. In addition, you can watch these 3 brief videos that further define how we approach the offices of elder, pastor, and preacher.

Do you care about the environment?

Certainly. The earth is God's creation and our role is to be stewards who care for it with thoughtfulness, creativity, and compassion.  

What Bible translation do you prefer?

There are a number of great translations that serve different purposes. At Reach, we've decided to use the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). A product of over 100 top, biblically-minded scholars from 17 denominations who have dedicated years to translate God’s Word. The result shines by academic standards and is remarkably enjoyable to read. For those who read the English Standard Version (ESV), it's strikingly similar. Learn more about the translation here.

Is Reach a politically-driven church?

We certainly care about what happens in the political arena, but our politics aren't so much what we care to be known for. We believe Christians can and often should use their voices to affect change in our communities, however this should always be done while submitting our personal preferences to Jesus - regardless of party - filtering our stances through scripture, and remaining unified on Gospel issues especially. 

What does your church believe about marriage?

The Bible is consistently clear that marriage is a covenant relationship instituted by God with 3 parties involved: one man and one woman, with God himself at the center. Sexual activity is to only be practiced within a lifelong, covenantal, monogamous, heterosexual marriage.

How are LGBTQ+ people treated in your church?

With dignity, respect, and care. For those in process, we realize it may feel like there's no where to go to be honest and in process about your journey. While we do hold to a traditional Christian sexual ethic, our posture is never to shame or harm anyone. Everyone is invited to encounter and follow Jesus, to be spurred on by his grace, and to learn what it means to turn from sin and submit their entire selves to Him. We feel honored when such folks are willing to walk out their journey with us.

Do you believe in all the weird stuff I've heard about in churches?

We definitely believe in the stuff of the Bible. For example, we don't just believe Jesus was a good teacher, we believe that he's the Son of God, lived a sinless life, died to pay an eternal debt for all our sin, rose to new life in God's power, and will return again to this earth. We also believe His spirit dwells within believers, that angels and demons are real, and that God is present when we gather. Churches without weird things are confusing.

I'm skeptical about Christianity. Am I still welcome?

Absolutely. Ask questions, use your intelligence, enjoy the moment. If you've felt out of place in "emotional" church settings before, please know you're not alone, and your perspective is valued here. 

Are you a Spirit church or a Bible church?

Yes! You might hear us use the phrase, "Gospel-centered, Spirit-Filled church." In essence, we're trying to follow Jesus' example of being both/and (not either/or). Jesus was both divine and human, and his life on earth was defined by both truth and grace, mercy and justice. That same spirit applies to much of our interpretation, preferences, and style. We need both the Bible to align us and the Spirit to guide us.
Got more questions? We're up for it! Shoot us an email at info@reacheverett.cc.