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Third Thursday Resources

Gospel-Centered, Spirit-Filled Churches

Third Thursday Teaching

Books (Gospel Theme)

The gospel is a theological message. But this message also creates human beauty―beautiful relationships in our churches, making the glory of Christ visible in the world today. In this timely book, Pastor Ray Ortlund makes the case that gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. In too many of our churches, it is the beauty of a gospel culture that is the missing piece of the puzzle. But when the gospel is allowed to exert its full power, a church becomes radiant with the glory of Christ.
Jesus was most upset at people for seeing but not seeing. For succumbing to the danger and idolatry of forcing God into preconceived human ideals. But what if there were a better way? What if Jesus came not to help people escape the world but instead to restore it? It's Not What You Think tells the familiar stories of the scripture in a radically new light, presenting God's unchanging truths from the Old and New Testaments as the challenging story that it is: a mysterious, compelling narrative with God at the center.
To have found God and still to pursue Him is a paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too-easily-satisfied religious person, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart. Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. Let A. W. Tozer's pursuit of God spur you also into a genuine hunger and thirst to truly know God.

Books (Holy Spirit Theme)

The Holy Spirit is often portrayed as something weird. But the Bible makes it clear that the Spirit is not something. He is someone--a Person who has promised to never leave your side. In this interactive book, John Bevere invites you into a personal discovery of the most ignored and misunderstood Person in the Church: the Holy Spirit. 
In the name of the Father, the Son, and … the Holy Spirit. We pray in the name of all three, but how often do we live with an awareness of only the first two? As Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit—the Helper—so that we could be true and living witnesses for Christ. Unfortunately, today’s church has admired the gift but neglected to open it. Chan contends that we’ve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and we are reaping the disastrous results. Thorough scriptural support and compelling narrative form Chan’s invitation to stop and remember the One we’ve forgotten, the Spirit of the living God.
The Bible clearly highlights the New Testament gift of prophecy as a powerful blessing that is meant to encourage, exhort, and comfort the body of Christ. Tragically, however, decades of unbalanced teaching, unaccountable prophecies, and unhealthy prophets have driven many churches and individuals to abandon the prophetic ministry altogether. In these troubling times the church cannot afford to neglect any of the Kingdom resources that God has made available to His people. "Prophesy" lays out a clear theological framework for the purpose and necessity of the gift of prophecy among us today. Additionally, this book highlights a practical roadmap for how to develop a healthy prophetic ministry in both the church and your personal life. Built on a foundation of biblical truth and seasoned with challenging personal stories, "Prophesy" will surely inspire a passionate hunger in you to “earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy!”
In Hearing God, author Benjamin Dixon explores what it means to hear the voice of God in our everyday lives through our devotion to God’s Word and our connection to the Holy Spirit. With Biblical clarity and practical insight, this book tackles a topic that is often misunderstood and confusing in the midst of a generation that truly wants to know if God is still speaking today.Hearing God will challenge you to study God’s word, deepen your prayer life and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit in order to bring about personal transformation and kingdom effectiveness.


Consider discussing these simple questions with your DNA, small group, or the friends you came with.

1. Do you lean more towards the Word or the Spirit?
2. Do you learn more towards your own opinion or God's Word?
3. What was your biggest takeaway from this Third Thursday talk?
4. How are you feeling compelled to respond?