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Meditating on God’s Word: What it is and What it’s not

July 7 | Discipleship Guide

Be Real Together:

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together: Psalm 1 CSB

Our culture today often preaches the ‘Wellness’ gospel. It tells us that if we do all the right things, eat all the right stuff, maintain all the right practices, that we will be mentally and physically 'WELL'.
This can be confusing because many of these practices can align with God’s instruction in the Bible, but Psalm 1 shows us that the difference is in the goal of our practice. 

The One Question:
Ask this question at your family meal or Discipleship Group.

Are you following God to change your life circumstances? Or to be changed by Him?
Use these questions to go deeper with your DG or for personal study.
1. God created us to mirror what we see, our brain chemistry is predisposed to copy what we most take in. In the words of Craig Groeschel “Our lives will go towards our strongest thoughts”.
What do you spend the most time on in your life? Is this moving your towards God? 

2. The Hebrew word for meditation also describes a lion growling as it stalks its prey and birds singing in the trees. If we are called to meditate in this way over Gods word, what do you think that might look like in your life?

3. We were also created to pursue what we delight in. If we delight in financial freedom we will seek out authorities on managing our money, if we delight in good food we will seek out authorities on cooking (whether at a restaurant or in a cook book). Similarly when we truly delight in God we will naturally seek out His word as an authority in our lives.
Do you turn to God’s word when you are searching for answers? If not, where do you tend to turn?

Pray Together:

Take time to pray with and for each other.

Recommend Spiritual Discipline

Writing Scripture: Pick one verse in scripture this week to practice 'scribing' everyday(writing it out). As you write it out, instead of emptying your mind, be intentional to fill your mind with this scripture to consider how the Holy Spirit may be speaking to you through it.