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A Warning, A Gift, and A Grace

August 6 | DNA Guide

Be Real Together:

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together: Romans 12:3-8 CSB

The One Question:
Ask this question at your family meal or DNA.

How can we practically apply the principles of humility, spiritual gifts, and interconnectedness within the body of Christ?

Spiritual Gifts Test:

Curious what your spiritual gifts might be? CLICK HERE for a Spiritual Gifts Test resource.

Grow Together:
Use these questions to go deeper with your DNA or for personal study.

In this passage, the apostle Paul addresses the concept of humility, spiritual gifts, and the interconnectedness of believers within the body of Christ.

THE WARNING: Paul is calling us to humility. We tend to think we are special because of the things we accomplish. While we all want to matter, to leave a legacy, and to live a life bigger than ourselves, this idea of being important is ultimately prideful. Look to Jesus for your value, not the world. We must humble ourselves like Christ did, to use our gifts as they are designed, in the context of the Body of Christ, in the community of believers.

THE GIFT: God gives us special portions of abilities through His grace, to be used and to serve others.  God’s gifts are to be enjoyed and always bless more people than just yourself. You have gifts beckoning to be used by the Spirit of God. You stand out most when you learn how you fit in best with the Body of Christ.

Specific Gifts:
  • Prophecy - The Spirit-led interpretation of scriptural truth. (N.T. Wright) 
  • Servanthood - Service done in genuine love for the edification of the community.
  • Teaching - Communicating what the Bible says, what it means, and how we as followers of Jesus Christ are to apply it to our lives here and now. 
  • Exhortation - Uplift and motivate others, as well as challenge and rebuke them for their spiritual growth and action.
  • Generosity - Using physical resources to benefit and protect the needs of others in Jesus’ name. Leadership - Care for God’s people and lead them into deeper relationships with Christ and each other. Mercy - Love and assist those who are suffering

THE GRACE: God doesn’t ask us to be perfect, He calls us to follow the perfect one and that is Jesus. When we understand that our value is hinged on nothing more than that we are saved in Christ, then all our attempts to use our gifts in the Body of Christ is worship 

  1. Why is it important not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought?
  2. How might comparing ourselves to others hinder the development and use of our spiritual gifts?
  3. How have you observed these spiritual gifts being used within the church?
  4. Which of these gifts resonate with you personally, and how might you apply them? If you haven't taken a spiritual gifts test before, consider taking the one above and discussing your answers with your DNA.
  5. How does faith influence our understanding of our gifts and our willingness to serve others?

Pray Together:

Take time to pray with and for each other.

Deeper Study: