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My Kingdom Is Still Here

February 19 | DNA Guide

Be Real Together

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together: Acts 1:1-11 CSB

Grow Together: Observe & Apply

This week, the Lead Pastor of our sending church (Reach Kirkland), Brian McCormack, joined us to share about God's Kingdom.

Too many Christians are passionate about the Gospel, and excited about their church, but somewhere between confused and apathetic when it comes to the Kingdom. Some words straight from the King can remedy this problem. In Acts 1, what does Jesus encourage our posture to be towards His Kingdom?

  1. Eagerly anticipate the Kingdom to come. 

The Kingdom is still here and it's within us! While we wait for the day that Jesus’ Kingdom is fully realized, we have access to pieces of it right now. The Holy Spirit within us produces little pockets of light within a world full of darkness.

  1. Keep the Kingdom at the center of your Gospel.

“The Gospel is the Good News of what God is doing in the world, through Jesus, and through those who praise him as King.” A life intentionally lived for the Kingdom gives others glimpses of His Kingdom and His glory. It's reassurance that God still has a plan. It's an indicator that His Kingdom is still here.

Questions to Discuss:
  1. The word Kingdom means "to be ruled over." The human heart does not want to be ruled, and yet ironically, we will often go looking for a ruler. Where may you be looking for a ruler today? What people or things may have too much authority over your life?
  2. Search your heart - how are you bringing pockets of God's kingdom light to those around you (spouse, friends, children, family members, coworkers)? Is there someone in your life who doesn't know Jesus? What would it look like to share the Good News with them? Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to those who need the love of Jesus in your life. 

Pray Together

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for entrusting us to be a source of light for others in a world full of darkness. Help us to live in the truth of the Gospel and be transformed daily into the people you’ve created us to be. Thy kingdom come, your will be done, in Everett as it is in Heaven!
In Jesus’ name, AMEN.