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Finding Life By Giving It Away

December 4 | DNA Guide

Be Real Together

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together: Philippians 2:5-18

Grow Together: Observe & Apply

This week, we dive into Philippians 2, which is written by the Apostle Paul. Paul tells the Philippians that even though they face persecution and danger, their lives as Christians should be consistent with the truth of God in Jesus who gave himself up in love for others. Suffering because of Jesus is a way of living out the Gospel. Pastor Tyler Gorsline spoke to us on what it means to embrace the "kenosis," or radical, self-emptying, love of God.

Questions to Discuss:
  1. Reflecting on these verses, what strikes you most? Why? What is most challenging in these verses? Encouraging? New?
  2. What would it look like for you to embrace the "kenosis," or radical, self-emptying love of Christ?
  3. Too often, we embrace scarcity as if our God isn’t one of abundance. Our moment is all about achieving and keeping up appearances. Consider deep down who you are and where you find that to be true?

Pray Together

Jesus, thank you for the way you emptied and humbled yourself to serve us in love. There is no one like you and no love like yours! Help us to live out that same radical, self-emptying love in our lives. Make us more like you. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.