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R E A C H  C H U R C H  |  E V E R E T T , W A

Take a step towards Jesus.

Sundays at 9 + 11 AM

Recent Sermon: 

"Jesus Sustains"

A life with Jesus does not shield you from hardship. The Disciples experienced this and as we read in Mark 4 called out to Jesus in the fear of a storm overtaking them. In this sermon, Pastor Sean preaches a message that reminds us that Jesus sustains us; God sustains the miracle that is the world and us personally.

Be the Church,
Reach the City.

In 2017, one family and a handful of friends asked the question, "What would it look like to leverage our lives for Jesus like never before?" The gut-level response was to start a simple, Gospel-centered church that served Everett and the surrounding area. A church where both believers and skeptics could find their true identities as God's kids. A church where the imperfect might find a seat at God's table. A church for folks like us. Join us as we take steps towards Jesus, because steps like that are always worth taking.


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